Free Student Athletes Sports Physicals

Free Student Athletes Sports Physicals
7/27/2019, 10:00 AM 12:00 PM
School entrance

Hello Mavericks,

I hope your summer is going well and your 4th of July was blessed!

On SATURDAY, JULY 27th from 10am-12pm there will be FREE Sports Physicals available for ANY Student-Athletes in need of one for the upcoming year. These will be done at the school in the main building. REMEMBER: In order for a Student-Athlete to participate in a sport, they must have had a Physical within the past year. So receiving one in the summer will cover them for the entire school year. If you have a preferred family doctor that you would like to complete your child’s physical you must have them fill out an Athletics Physical Form which is to be turned into me. Please have all physicals completed and turned in to me preferably before the start of Fall Sports practices! Have a blessed rest of the summer.

God Bless,

Coach Fava

Coach Matthew Fava

Athletic Director

St. Mary Magdalen School

San Antonio, Texas

"Pony Up"

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